Established in 1976
- About Us -
Established in 1976, the Baldock Floral Society gather on the first Thursday of the month to watch an array of incredibly talented floral demonstrators, showcase their skills, providing us with top tips and creative ideas for when we want to create our own!
We are currently based at the Baldock Community Centre, and run 7.30pm-10pm each month.
Doors open at 7.10pm.
Membership is £40 for the year (April-December + an AGM in March) or £7 per visit, visitors fee. Pay on arrival.
Each month there is a different theme, you can view our itinerary on the link at the top of the page 'Upcoming Events'. Every demonstrator creates 6 floral arrangements and at the end of the session, are raffled off to our attendees (£1 a raffle strip).
Complimentary tea/coffee with biscuits are available during a short interval, please bring your own cup.
We hope you can join us for flowers, fun & friendship
Keep up to date with all the upcoming events in the local area at